Thursday August 30th i started to feel very small contractions. Thursdays are the days that Jason goes to Jackson to work all day and i was totally nervous that he wasn't going to make it back in time if i did go into labor. But i held off until he got home and i asked him to take me to the hospital. We got up there about 7 and they checked me and i was at a 2. They made me stay for a couple of hours and checked me again and of course i hadn't dialated. . . . so they sent me home.
All night on Thursday and all day Friday i had contractions, but not bad enough that i felt like i needed to go to the hospital. Friday night i started having really strong contractions, and i decided it was time to go to the hospital. We got to the hospital about 11 and they checked me. I was at a 3 and they decided to admit me. i waited another 3 hours and got checked again and had dialated a little more so they gave me the epidural. About 7 they started me on the pit and immediatly i started to dialate. My water broke and it all went down hill from there. As they were checking me i started to bleed a lot and the nurses seemed very concerned. they called the doctor in and he made the decision to wait. In the mean time Lyndee's heart beat was dropping with every contraction and I was still bleeding like crazy. They decided to do an emergency C-section.
At 12:38 PM Lyndee Else Schreier was born. She was 7 lbs 1 Oz and 20 inches long. She is perfect in every way. The most beautiful baby i could have imagined. It has only been 3 weeks and my life has changed in so many ways. i couldn't imagine life with out her. Jason and I are so happy we finally have our daughter. And she is the best baby. I am so happy to be a Mom and Jason is the best Daddy.